Saturday, March 5, 2011

Demi Lovato Named As Top Stylish Teen

The good news for Demi Lovato keeps pouring in! Demi was voted as the most stylish teen, even beating out Justin Bieber. Nick Jonas, Miley Cyrus, and Selena Gomez were also among the list.
I have to say that I am so happy that Demi is getting so much love from her fans. She really could use it; it might just be what she needs in order to step out in the lime light again. Lets hope that she keeps getting honored this year, in order to off set last year for her.
What do you think about Demi’s style? Does she appear to be goth or just a moody dresser? I am a fan of her fashion, she stays true to herself and that is always a plus. Lets hope that this year will be one of her best, both career and personal life. She deserves that, after her rough year and bad press. No other young star went through as much as she did in 2010.

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