Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rebecca Black's "Friday" Billboard Unveiling

Having made a name for herself thanks to her viral video "Friday," Rebecca Black was honored with a special present in Hollywood, CA on Friday afternoon (April 15).
The teen Internet sensation took to LaBrea & San Vincente to help unveil her very own digital billboard celebrating her debut single reaching 100 million views on YouTube.

According to Ryan Seacrest, Miss Black was "given the billboard as congratulations from her parents for surpassing the milestone" with the streetside tribute featuring a message reading "It’s Friday, Friday, Friday”.
The celebratory event comes just as New York Magazine has confirmed that Rebecca's catchy tune will covered on the forthcoming prom episode of "Glee" - with the song to be performed by Kevin McHale's Artie, Mark Salling's Puck and Chord Overstreet's Sam.

Enjoy photos of Rebecca Black:

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