Monday, June 6, 2011

Robert Pattinson shares surprise smooch with Taylor

The Twilight actor found himself in the middle of an awkward clinch with Robert during the MTV Awards at the weekend.

After the British star won the best on screen kiss with his real-life girlfriend Kristen Stewart, Rob ran off stage to plant a smooch on his embarrassed friend – who plays his love rival Jacob Black.

Nevertheless, the surprised audience – who had been expecting the vampire saga's Edward Cullen to kiss Kristen - clapped and cheered.

"I feel bad because I don't want to kiss you," he had told Kristen after they were called on stage to collect the award - for the third year running.

He continued: "There's somebody in the audience who will appreciate it a little more."

His girlfriend told him: "Go get him honey," before Robert went running stage right.

The gong was one of five the crew picked up, including Best Male Performance – won by Rob – and – Best Female Performance – picked up by Kristen and Best Movie prize.

And there was more excitement when the brand new Breaking Dawn trailer was given it's first ever airing.

Other winners at the LA ceremony included Justin Bieber and Inception's Ellen Page 

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