Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Selly Gomez: 'I Like To Pretend I'm Ghetto'

Selena Gomez told MTV about creating her alter ego: 'To be able to create this look is really fun. I've never had this much creative control over something like this. I chose it because I like to pretend that I'm ghetto sometimes.
It is funny. Just the whole thing of it, me being sweet and the contrast of this is kind of different. It's the first time for me to kind of let loose and be silly, and it's kind of awesome. ..I actually got this [look] from all the boys that you see with all their underwear hanging out, always showing off their boxers. So I stole that from every guy that's walking around. And then we just got an over-sized flannel,
..and it's awesome. This is not making fun of anybody 'cause half of my family has these tattoos and look like this, so.. ..I would wear this [plaid shirt] ..the tattoo around [the wrist] is something that nobody, even in fashion, would wear. I just know that I've never worn anything like that in showing my stomach.
I've never been that exposed. ..This is my favorite, though, my hair and makeup. I'm not lying, I'd probably rock this hair and makeup, I don't think I'd rock this outfit. But that's why I think it's funny.'

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