Thursday, March 8, 2012

AJ Michalka from 78violet Helps Homeless Man

AJ Michalka from 78violet might have been out and about at a Hermes store, but she certainly hasn’t forgotten about those who are less fortunate. She met up with a homeless man who she gave some money to. It was a nice touch to make and also proved that for someone who is famous can still have a big heart. No word on why she did it, but we can assume that it is because she has a big heart.
I am happy that she did what she did. She proves that she has the right ideas and I love that she was not one of those who ignores them. I really think she must have made the poor man’s day. While I doubt he knew who she is, it was a sweet gesture that counts. I hope that other celebrities take a cue from her and start doing the same. They can do a lot more good than we average people can to help them.

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