Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Louis Tomlinson: ' I Prefer Boobs That Aren't Too Big'

Louis Tomlinson revealed what he looks for in his perfect girl: 'A good smile. Though, to be honest, a good personality is more important. Good banter and someone who's witty.' When it comes to physical qualities, he can't choose between legs, boobs or bum: 'I like all 3, although a nice bum is wicked, and I prefer boobs that aren't too big.'
Louis told The Sun: 'The worst thing about living with Harry is the constant stream of women he is getting through our door. It's relentless. I am a one-woman man with Eleanor. It's still not quite official. We haven't put a name on it but I really like her, she's cool. The good thing is everyone has been so nice about it. If the fans see her they ask her for a photo and she gets shy. Half the reason I really like her is that she's not fazed by the fans. She's good. The good side is he's a decent cook. He cooks for me, fajitas and tacos. The fajitas are good, they are very good.'

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