Sunday, September 25, 2011

Miley Cyrus Tweets Save An Island

Miley Cyrus is using her fame to help out some folks down under. She has revealed her love for the country in the past and put her fame where her mouth is. Miley has one very important reason for supporting Aussies, her man Liam Hemsworth. Miley used her Twitter account to tell a major developer to leave an area of Phillip Island alone.

Islanders were fighting against a massive housing development that would have destroyed more than 56 acres of seaside farmland. She tweeted her opposition to more than 2 million followers, “Phillip Island is such a magical place, it would be a shame to see it change.” She included a link for her followers to visit so they could get an idea of what this project would do. Her boyfriend spent part of his childhood on those shores, and Miley actually visited the area while she was in Australia.

The power of Miley worked, and the developer has since pulled his application to destroy the coveted farming land. However, nobody is willing to give Miley total credit, but most do agree she had a big help in a massive push to stop the development. Matthew Guy insists, “I can swear on a stack of Bibles and say I actually wasn’t sure who she was. I’m of a demographic who knows her father, Billy Ray Cyrus as opposed to Miley Cyrus.” Unless he is living under a rock, he has heard Miley’s name. We will give credit where credit is due. Way to go Miley!

Phillip Island development plan halted after Miley Cyrus's tweet

EVERY government has a weakness, and Hollywood starlet Miley Cyrus just might be Ted Baillieu's.

Hours after the teenage star of TV's Hannah Montana tweeted in favour of protecting Victoria's Phillip Island against development, the Baillieu government blinked.

It buckled yesterday amid growing publicity and ended plans to develop a further 200 houses at the township of Ventnor, about 140km southeast of Melbourne.

Labor is convinced that the moment commercial TV jumped on the Cyrus story the game was up for the development.

Cyrus's boyfriend, Australian actor Liam Hemsworth, has a family home near Ventnor, until now a little-known township 15 minutes' drive from the island's de facto capital of Cowes.

Labor's planning spokesman Brian Tee introduced the world to Cyrus's interest in the debate on Wednesday and by yesterday morning it was game over for the opening up of land on the edge of Ventnor.

"It's a sad day for planning in Victoria when planning decisions are made after the intervention of a Hollywood starlet," he said.

Cyrus, with 2.4 million followers on Twitter, tweeted on Wednesday: "Phillip Island is such a magical place, it would be a shame to see it change."

Victoria's Planning Minister, Matthew Guy, said Cyrus had nothing to do with the decision.

"I don't even know who she is," he told The Australian.

Bass Coast Mayor Veronica Dowman puts the result down to the council and community campaigns.

"I honestly don't believe governments make decisions based on celebrities," she said. "But I do believe - and we are very grateful for her help - it gave the campaign an extra impetus that attracted the commercial press."

Mr Guy countered that the issue was not so much about the township, but the need to provide extra low-cost housing.

The Twittersphere, meanwhile, was emphatic: Cyrus 1, government 0.

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