Thursday, September 29, 2011

Selena Gomez Covers Candy Magazine


+ Monte Carlo postcards! Sel on meeting Shia LaBeouf: 'It was amazing. They told me there were two fans in the dressing room waiting to meet me and I was like ‘Oh cool,’ so I walked down the hall and Shia LaBeouf was sitting right there, and I ran away from him! He was nice enough to chase after me & he was like, ‘Hey wait, wait..’ because he probably knows I’m a stalker and love him so.'
On dating: 'The only thing I ever tell my fans is it’s just not worth it to be someone you’re not. I’ve conformed to a lot of guys that I liked before; it’s very easy to want to be what they want you to be. But in the end, it just wasn’t enjoyable and I was miserable half the time. Now, I’m very straightforward.. The best person is some one you can be yourself with.'




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