Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Miley Cyrus Sending Flirty Texts to Kings of Leon Rocker

Is a flirtation going on between Miley Cyrus and Kings of Leon's Jared Followill? Miley was first linked with the bass player at the afterparty for the MTV Europe Music Awards in Madrid last November, and they've reportedly been exchanging phone messages ever since.

A source told website “Miley wants to keep Jared interested. She often sends him coy text messages. So far, he is a big fan of what she has been sending.

“Jared loves showing off his texts from Miley. He thinks she’s very pretty and is excited she’s still flirting with him.”

Miley, 18, had recently split with boyfriend Liam Hemsworth when she met Jared in Spain, but she did admit in 2009 she was a fan.

She said: “He's pretty good looking. I'm not usually one to freak, but me and Taylor Swift were like, 'Holy smoke!'

“Katy Perry was like, 'They have super hot girlfriends.' I was like, 'Dang it!' "

Jared was, at that time, engaged to model Alisa Torres, but they split later that year. Since then he has also been linked to Twilight actress Ashley Greene.

Both Miley and Jared, 24, also hail from the same town, Nashville.

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