Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nick Jonas 'Diabetes Can Be Frustrating'

Nick Jonas featured in US News & World Report: To maintain this hectic pace, Jonas said he thinks about his blood sugar levels all the time & tests his blood sugar about 12 times a day. He has a blood sugar meter that allows him to..
Easily upload his readings to his doctor so that even if he’s on the road touring, he can get feedback on his diabetes management: It’s been a part of my life has turned out to be a blessing in some ways. I’ve been able to speak about it and hopefully bring a message of encouragement.

I’d be lying if I told you that there weren’t days that I wasn’t frustrated with being a diabetic. It’s definitely not something you ask for. There are moments when I think life would be a lot easier without it. But, then again, it’s part of my DNA at this point, and it’s given me an outlook on life that I think is very rare. When I was diagnosed, if we had waited two days, I could’ve been in a coma.
A week later, and I could’ve died, so I’m very thankful that I’ve lived to see all of this. No matter how independent a person you are, never be afraid to rely on your doctors and the people around you. your family and friends/ I wouldn’t have been able to do all of this without the support of the people around me.

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