Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Selena Gomez Nude Photos?

Is it true that there are pictures on the internet of Selena Gomez naked? I Watched some of her nude pics and it was written there that these were clicked by selena herself...


  1. hottest bitch in da world

  2. it's not Selena.I know all about Selena, Selena has a mole near her cleavage on her right breast,and this chic on the pic doesn't have one, and look at the skin tone of the girl on the pic,the colour of her skin on her arm and her belly is different.

  3. I wana fuk dis bitch rite in da ass kuz I bin lookin for nude pics of her all day nd I'm horny as fuck

  4. Anon on April 17, 2011 12:22 PM.

    I can't discredit you on being a mole expert but the variation in colors of her skin is due to lighting. Why would anyone shop an arm? A face, definitely but an arm? Lrn2Shoop

  5. my dick stands when i see her

  6. wow you people are sick

  7. i would have sex but that is fucked up cool

  8. i want to have sex with her but she got justin bieber

  9. i know write she is hot

  10. People are saying that there is pics of her can someone confirm where to find them?

  11. Top celebrities fakes or Disney bitched

  12. this is a fake she dsnt have big breast

  13. i agree selena is like a size A in bra she has small ones and guys back off she's witth justin bieber but it won't last trust

  14. I'd totally f$#k her in her ( probably ) TIGHT pussy til she passes out

  15. hot bitch right there

  16. that girl is soooooooo freakiiiiing hooooooooot!!!!!!!!!

    Iwant to fuck her so bad!!!!!!!

  17. I want to lick her f******* pussy until she comes and do it again

  18. I would take her throats virginity and lick her pussy and feel her tidys and fuck her in the ass

  19. i would fuck her day and night for about a year

  20. I would do unforgivable things to her. Some really nasty things!!! She'll never forget it!

  21. This is fake. It's a picture of a girl that looks exactly like Selena, she's on youtube and she made a video about it. She was in a Selena Gomez look alike contest so she posted pictures of herself that obviously looked like Selena and people passed them around saying it was Selena. Btw,the girl said she was wearing a bathing suit in that picture, not a bra.


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