Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Britney Spears Wrote A Song For Selena Gomez

A dream come true for Selena Gomez has happened! Pop princess Britney Spears has penned a track for Selena Gomez’s upcoming album called “Whiplash”. Selena, who has admitted to being a Britney fan as many young girls her age are-is also planning to do a mashup of Britney’s songs live on tour! So exciting for Selena in so many levels.
I am dying to hear this track! I hope it does make the final cut on Selena’s album, hopefully it will since she is a fan of Britney. I cannot help but wonder how Miley Cyrus feels about this news? We all she is a self admitting hard core Britney fan. I get a feeling that she is not happy about this, but who knows?
Are you excited for the song? Do you hope Britney will do some guest vocals on it? I would love it if she did, but I am not sure if Britney will have the time needed for that. At least Selena gets to sing a song written by her.

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