Sunday, April 24, 2011

Justin Bieber Reached 9 Million Twitter Followers

Justin Bieber has officially reached the 9 millions follower mark on Twitter, making him only the second celebrity to cross that threshold. At midday on Friday, he was about 30,000 followers beyond the significant mark. Who else in the celebosphere has hit that massive number?
Lady Gaga became the first A-lister to top nine million, and she’s already less than 500k followers of the incredible 10 million mark.
The Gaga vs. Bieber battle even goes beyond Twitter. The two also dueled for some time on YouTube, as their videos for “Baby” (Bieber) and “Telephone” (Gaga) dueled for the most viewed video of all time. Back in July, Bieber topped Mama Monster officially.
And just to give him another view, get your “Baby” fix below, which is currently at a ridiculous 523 million views

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