Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rebecca Black Under Police Protection After Death Threats

Teen singer Rebecca Black has been placed under police protection after receiving two death threats.

The 13-year-old shot to fame with her single 'Friday' going viral within days of hitting the web. The heavily auto-tuned hit went has been viewed over 110 million times online, attracting mainly  criticism.

Black has since received two death threats, one over the phone and another via email, reported Radar online.

"One of the threats came over the phone and another emailed," said Rick Martinez, a spokesperson for the Anaheim, California Police.

"The threats were related to getting the music off the Internet or they would kill her. We are taking the threats very seriously."

Black has reportedly earned somewhere in the region of $ 20,000 through YouTube's revenue sharing plan, as well as "thousands of dollars" from iTunes sales.

Hit TV musical 'Glee' recently announced that it would be performing Black's viral hit on a forthcoming episode of the show.

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