Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Charlie Sheen Most Influential Person According To Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber has a devoted following on Twitter, but he's more impressed by actor Charlie Sheen's latest accomplishments on the social platform. In fact, he went as far as to call the erratic star the most influential person in the world, reports the New York Post.

Time magazine recently spoke with the 17-year-old pop singer, asking him who he thinks deserves the title of "most influential." "[It] has got to be Charlie Sheen," he said. "He's got a million followers in one day on Twitter. And ... I've never seen that happen before. Plus, he's got tiger blood, and he's always winning."
Well, not always. Charlie didn't make Time's final list of the "100 Most Influential People in the World." Better luck next year, dude.

Justin isn't the only teen star that's enamored by Charlie -- Miley Cyrus exchanged a series of complimentary tweets with the former 'Two and a Half Men' star over Twitter after she rejoined the micro-blogging site.

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