Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nick Jonas at Frisco Kroger (@nickjonas)

Nick Jonas at Frisco Kroger

White-hot sunlight beamed off the parking lot of the Kroger grocery store on Custer Road as a line of anxious fans waited in 100 degree heat for the chance to meet Nick Jonas of The Jonas Brothers.
Jonas, who is traveling with Quaker Chewy Granola Bars on a nationwide search for the next child star, stopped in Plano and Frisco on Tuesday to meet with fans and take photos. According to a written statement, “Quaker Chewy Superstar Search was created to give parents of young people with big voices a platform to showcase their child’s vocal talents.”
The competition began in Brooklyn, N.Y., on June 8, and Jonas has made appearances at several stops along the way.
“It’s kind of on and off on my part,” Jonas said. “The Quaker Chewy Mobile Recording Studio has been on the road for a little while, been hitting some different cities, but I’ve kind of been in and out in some places and happy to stop here in Texas today.”
Jonas said he has enjoyed his experience during the competition.
“It’s been great so far. I think the thing I’m most looking forward to about it is trying to find a young person who is as passionate about music as I was at that age,” Jonas said. “It’s all about finding someone who is passionate about music, who has a great voice, who me and all the other judges believe could be a real star.”
Children between the ages of 8 and 14 are eligible for the competition, Jonas said.
“It’s a vocal competition primarily; and we’ve given them different songs to choose from to sing, and they’re going to go with those songs and really try to show us what they’ve got and in kind of a short little video, but it’ll be great,” Jonas said. “I think we’ll find someone truly talented.”
Children who are interested in competing can record an audition video in the Quaker Chewy Mobile Recording Studio or through
Jonas said he has enjoyed seeing children and fans compete. He said he has a team working with him to help choose a winner from all of the online submissions.
“It’s been really fun to see people come out and show their support in that way,” Jonas said. “The basic message that we’re trying to get out there is just that anything is possible if you follow your dreams, specifically in music – and you never know what could happen.”
Little Kids Rock is also collaborating in the completion. According to a written statement, the nonprofit Little Kids Rock is the only national “rock and pop-oriented music program in the U.S. public schools.” The organization helps ensure music education is taught within U.S. schools.
“Working with Little Kids Rock so far has been really amazing, and they’ve been a great partner and seem like the perfect fit for this competition,” Jonas said.
Jonas said continuing music education and after-school music programs are very important to him.
“I think the reason I was most drawn to this search was the element with Little Kids Rock but also just teaming up with Quaker Chewy,” Jonas said. “They’re a great partner, and I’ve enjoyed all that we’ve done so far together and all that we’re going to do in the future.”
Children, teens, parents and grandparents waited in a line that stretched across part of the Kroger parking lot. Despite the heat, fans waited for the opportunity to take a photo with Jonas.
Valerie Gossett and her sister Alexis were just two of the devoted fans.

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