Thursday, July 21, 2011

Selena Gomez’s Interview With Decca Chronicle

Check out Selena Gomez’s interview with Decca Chronicle where she talks about her music.

Q We hope you’re feeling well after your recent bout of ill health. Has it been difficult to get back to the rigour of public appearances and performances?
I’m good and back, much better actually. I just have to take care of myself.

Q This is the third album for Selena Gomez & The Scene. What were some of the influences you were looking to incorporate on When The Sun Goes Down?
There is a song called My Dilemma that is one of my favourites. It’s pop rock song, very similar to the stuff on my first record actually. It’s about loving someone — but you’re not really sure that person is the right one for you and you still can’t help but be attracted to that person. Then there is this song called Hit The Lights that I love, which is basically saying you can’t sit there and say, “I should have done this” or “I could have done that and if only I had, my life would have turned out differently”. It’s all about living in the moment and I love the fact that this song has a really powerful message.

Q You’ve previously said that the music on this album is really close to where you are in life as well…
I feel like I’m growing, changing, and evolving, so my music is a way to express that. It’s really fun, it’s very dancy. It still has the same kind of vibe that my second album did — it’s just that little bit better; I’m stepping up my game.

Q Please tell us a little bit about the camaraderie you share with your band, The Scene? What is the music making process for you like?
My band is amazing and I love them. As for my songwriting process, it is very organic. I can’t really force anything and put it in my schedule to go into a studio and sit down and write songs from scratch. It happens at the most random times. I’ll write a lyric on the airplane… I tend to think a lot when I’m in the shower or shopping. I just pen down the lyrics and I put it all together with producers. So my song writing process is very easy and simple.

Q Does performing with the band or individually provide you more with a sense of fulfilment? And between acting and singing, what gives you more satisfaction?
When you perform with a band it’s different and when you perform solo its different. I feel both provide a sense of fulfillment in some way or the other. I want to do more films as I haven’t done a lot of films so far. However, I also want to grow more, musically. Right now, it’s hard to choose which I enjoy most, but I think when I get older and I want all this activity to slow down, I’ll probably seek out more acting opportunities.

Q You were named after the singer Selena and you did develop an interest in acting because of watching your mother. Could you tell us a little more about how your creative sensibilities were shaped?
I feel very privileged to carry her name. Selena was a big influence on me and I grew up knowing who she was. I loved entertaining when I was younger. My mom raised me to be very open with my music. As I was an only child growing up, I had to entertain myself and hence would constantly perform. I would sing, dance and act in my living room. With regards to my career I’m very blessed and lucky. It’s important for me to give back whenever I get a chance. I also have a platform for kids: It’s good to be a part and encourage the next generation to help each other out.

Q You’re dating a singer (Justin Bieber) who is as famous as you. Does that make it easier to handle the attention that is focused on you at all times?
It’s a weird and different lifestyle altogether. I try to stay as normal as possible and be myself. But it’s nice to relate to someone who knows how crazy all of it is.

Q What comes next for Selena & The Scene in terms of musical direction?
I’m very excited about my tour. And I’m working on a Spanish record.

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