Sunday, July 24, 2011

Selena Gomez: 'Freedom Is Very Important To Me'

Selena Gomez TV Digital Germany interview: In addition to Miley Cyrus, Selena is currently the biggest female teen star in the world. And not just because Selena Gomez with pop singer Justin Bieber on red carpets and paparazzi pictures holding hands. What luxury do you allow yourself? From time to time a good massage. A super expensive sunglasses I was guaranteed to lose again. Of course I get paid too many expensive things, such as exclusive handbags, and on the other hand I have no objection. But actually, I prefer to save for my future. I would someday like to have a nice house.
What is freedom for you? Freedom is very important for me. Just because I'm a star for many people, that does not mean that I can do whatever I want. I still like to hang around on my couch and look at movies. I've recently become a little looser and make me less worried now, what is said so about me. I'm just happiest and satisfied with myself
Does it help that your boyfriend is involved in show business? It's just nice to have someone at my side who understands me. I have friends who are in show business. And I have friends who are not. Of course it's great to have someone in his life, which can nachfühlen what it means to work in this business. But on the other hand, it's also nice to talk with someone about the real world, a person who knows no photo shoots and all these things. I think the secret to have a balance of both.
Would you fancy a duet with Justin? I'm not so sure. I associate love with reluctant business. I'm not totally averse to this idea, but right now we have nothing planned. How do you deal with Justin Bieber Fans who hate you? This is of course very unpleasant, but I manage to ignore these threats. I try to live my life as normally as possible.
Do you feel you need to fulfill certain notions of beauty? I have the luck that I want to be beautiful for anybody. I have even fallen. I choose my clothing or equipment is not so much that I can do it on the "Best Dressed" list. The main thing is, I am in it hubsch are comfortable and confident. The rest may not matter to me. This attitude I have to thank my mother who instilled self-confidence to me.

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