Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Selena Gomez Will Spend Her 19th Birthday Without Justin Bieber?

Unless her mother or her boyfriend Justin Bieber are working behind her back to pull off a huge surprise party, teen queen Selena Gomez told E! News that she is planning a low-key and even “boring” birthday celebration on Friday. The singer, who turns 19 this Friday, July 22, has been working nonstop for the past few months, so we’re not shocked that she’s not making a huge deal out of her birthday.

“I think my mom has planned something for me,” Gomez said nonchalantly.”I didn’t really ask for anything, so I’m basically just going to be at tour rehearsal during the day. Maybe go to dinner at night with my family. Pretty boring.”

The Biebs won’t be by Gomez’s side on her bday, either! “I actually think he’ll be in Atlanta,” Gomez admitted “But that’s OK. We all gotta work.” While we love that Gomez is supportive of her man and his career obligations, maybe she’s being a little too complacent about the Biebs not hanging out with her on her big day. Hey Justin! How about hopping a flight after whatever it is you’re doing in Atlanta on Friday and serenading your girlfriend?

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