Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Fame: Justin Bieber" Comic in Stores This Week

We have some good news and some bad news. Which would you like to hear first? The good news? Fine. The pocket-sized life of 16-year-old Justin Bieber will be immortalized illustrated in a new comic book called Fame: Justin Bieber. The press release from Bluewater Productions, which is responsible for the book, reads: “Like The Beatles, Justin Bieber started life in simple public housing, and also like The Beatles, he is forced to balance fame with his humble beginnings as he comes of age with the whole world screaming his name. Fame: Justin Bieber traces the career of this YouTube sensation from his musical childhood in Ontario to the stage of his first headlining tour.” Bieber is not the first cultural icon to be given his own Bluewater comic: other subjects have included Bo Obama, the president’s dog, and Taylor Lautner, who plays a dog in Twilight.
If you don’t see any bad news here, it’s because we haven’t gotten to it yet.
Upon receiving word about the existence of a Bieber comic, your VF Daily blogger, a voracious consumer of Bieber-centric literature, began to search for a copy. The e-mail from Bluewater Productions said that Fame: Justin Bieber would be available in comic-book stores tomorrow. “Fame: Justin Bieber is tracking to sell out fast, even with an aggressive overprint our distributor is having a hard time keeping up with orders,” the president of Bluewater said in the e-mail.
This afternoon, your blogger checked with Midtown Comics, Cosmic Comics, Forbidden Planet, Chameleon Comics, Desert Island Comics, and Jim Hanley’s Universe, all comic-book stores in New York City, and not one said that it had received any copies of Fame: Justin Bieber. The comic is, however, available for pre-order on Amazon.

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