Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Variety's 4th Annual Power of Youth

Is it possible that Justin Bieber is even more adorable when he's looking cute for a good cause? Why yes, yes it is.
The "Baby" heartthrob was on hand for Variety's 4th Annual Power of Youth event at Paramount Studios in Hollywood on Sunday, doing his part to inspire a charitable spirit in his young fans. Bieber's pet cause of the day was Pencils of Promise, which works to provide access to education for children worldwide. Biebs even gave away 500 tickets to his Los Angeles concert to his favorite charities.
Would a nomination for sainthood be premature? Let's ponder that as we click through the photo gallery of Justin getting his good on. And after that, gain some more inspiration from the Biebs by clicking through our compendium of Justin Bieber's Best Looks.

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