Monday, October 11, 2010

Zac Efron not ready for marriage with Vanessa Hudgens

Zac Efron isn’t ready to run down the aisle with Vanessa Hudgens, his girlfriend of five years.
Talking to The Sun, the “Charlie St. Cloud” star exclaimed, “We definitely won’t be getting married anytime soon. I definitely feel much too young. When I get married it will happen at the age of 40 at the earliest.”
Hmmm, sounds like Efron, 22, might want to do some more dating before deciding if Hudgens is the one.
Nonetheless, the actor remains gaga for his “High School Musical” co-star.
“Dating Vanessa makes many things much easier, because you understand each other without having to explain a lot,” Efron tells a German magazine.
“In terms of planning, I am very picky – worse than any woman,” adds the actor, “I drive everyone mad, except for Vanessa – she is always very understanding.
“The only disadvantage is that she is always dressed so stunningly that I look awkward and stand out.”

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