Monday, October 18, 2010

Miley Cyrus Signs Pink For Breast Cancer Awareness

Miley Cyrus is doing what she can for breast cancer awareness month. Every year in October we celebrate Breast Cancer awareness month but what do any of us really do except maybe wear a pink ribbon? Well Miley Cyrus has teamed up with Sharpie to make a difference.

During the month of October Cyrus will sign autographs with a pink Sharpie and will ask fans to post that autograph on Every time a fan does this Sharpie will donate $1 to the breast cancer organization City OF Hope.

City Of Hope is an organization for research, treatment and education of breast cancer.

Miley Cyrus plans on signing thousands of autographs this month in order to raise as much money as possible for the organization. Hopefully she will decide to donate some her own personal wealth to the cause as well. Breast cancer kills 39,840 women each year and organizations like City of Hope need every penny they can get to try to find a cure for this killer.

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