Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jasmine Villegas Gets 'Jealous' in New Video ‎

Jasmine Villegas just released her new video for 'Jealous,' and now the 17-year-old is already hard at work shooting the vid for her new song 'Werk.' In the meantime, the pop star has posted a lyric video of the song for all her fans.

According to Idolator, Jasmine was on set in Encino, Calif. on May 8 with rapper Romeo, who stars as the singer's love interest in the upcoming video. Jasmine tweeted this pic from the set with the caption: "Me and the talented @romeomiller on set of #werk .. what total gentleman and great person :)."
Romeo, who was recently voted off 'Dancing With the Stars,' returned the kind words. "Enjoyed filming w/ @JASMINEVILLEGAS today," he wrote on Sunday. "Your a star baby girl ;)."

Justin who? Check out the lyric video for 'Werk' below and let us know what you think of the song in the comments.

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