Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Justin Bieber's Fuji TV Tokyo Morning

Acclimating to the many time zone changes as best he can, Justin Bieber was up for an early morning visit to Fuji television in Tokyo on Wednesday morning (May 18).
With about a dozen fans waiting for him at the entrance, the teenage superstar was in time for the 7AM start-up as he appeared on a program titled "Mezamashi TV".

Tweeting about the day's agenda, Justin wrote, "up early in TOKYO...about to be on Mezamashi TV...walking to set now. #grateful"

Once concluded with his interview efforts, the 17-year-old added, "finished the show..saw footage of the disaster and seeing kids affected 2day. happy 2 b here. its important. we need 2 b here for each other"

Justin is currently in town as he will perform a sold-out show on his My World tour at legendary Budokan hall on May 19th.

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