Saturday, May 14, 2011

Miley Cyrus Performing in Rio

 Miley performed in  at the HSBC Arena in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil tonight and there are already some HQ pics! Yay Brazil! 
"Miley said she started to sing classic rock at their shows because I always found inspiration in these songs and want to pass it to the fans. "I've always looked up to Joan Jett, so that was my.. proudest moment, when I got to perform with her" she said.

The diva has revealed she was impressed with the affection of fans.  On the difference between American and Latin fans: "I think there is definitely a big difference.. I love my American fans but I've never had people sleep outside my hotel for two days and scream as loud as some fans have."

And all this love of the fans won the star: "I  think there were a couple shows where I honestly couldn't believe it and I think this show's going to be like that because a lot of people are excited."

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