Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Selena Gomez CRUSH On Bruno Mars

Selena Gomez MetroNews interview. On Wizards ending: 'It was bittersweet. ..I obviously cried a lot. It was really, really hard.. They called us to set and normally they call us separately ..that morning they were like, we want to bring you all in together. I just held on to them. It was really depressing.

I took my wand that I've cast my spells (with) for the last four years. It's in a little box in a frame, so hopefully I'll be able to hang it up in my house ..they gave it to my brothers and I. It's very weird to know that I won't have my dressing room to go back to tomorrow morning.' 'I'm obsessed with Bruno Mars,

I really think he's extremely talented. I kind of have a crush on him.. I would never want to do anything to make my fans uncomfortable because they are extremely loyal and they've been with me for the past five years. If anything, I just want to choose roles that they can all see and all kind of grow with me, if that makes sense.'

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