Thursday, June 16, 2011

Demi Lovato Gets a New Tattoo ‎

Young stars seem to be in love with tattoos. Every week it feels like we hear of a new tat on some celeb. Most of all, it seems like mostly the younger ones are the ones who want more ink than older ones. So here we are again with a new tattoo by a former Disney star, and it is not Miley Cyrus!
Demi Lovato has been a fan of ink for a while now, with at least 3 tattoos that I can think of before this one. But now she has a cross on her hand, that she showed off in a recent photo. Demi who appears to be firm in her faith is now showing it publicly via this tattoo.
I am glad to see that she feels safe enough to have more tattoos done, but also to have a sign of her personal faith. I will say that I do think her tattoo is placed in an awkward place. I suppose she thought it was the perfect spot; after all she was the one who had to choose to get it done on that spot. I do wonder why she chose that location and not more like up her inner arm or on the outside of her hand? I hope she will give us some insight on that in the near future.

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