Friday, June 24, 2011

Justin Bieber Macy's Attacker Was An Undercover Police Officer

WTF? I was stressing out big time wondering what the hell happened outside Macy’s. I couldn’t believe an old man attacked him and knocked him to the ground. If that wasn’t enough now I found out it was all a misunderstanding and that the 40 year old man was really an undercover cop. Talk about bizarre…
"A member of Justin Bieber’s personal security team was cited for disorderly conduct today after the singer had a frightening run-in with an undercover cop in NYC … but it was all one MAJOR misunderstanding.
Bieber was signing autographs outside of Macy’s when the crowd became unruly … and a plainclothes police officer rushed to help the singer.
Problem is — Bieber didn’t know the guy was a cop — so when the cop got close to Justin … Bieber got defensive thinking he was a crazy fan. A member of Bieber’s security team immediately grabbed the cop and tried to pull him away.
The cop quickly identified himself — and cited the security team member for disorderly conduct.
But this story has a happy ending … sources connected to the situation tell us both sides straightened everything out — and Bieber is still signing autographs inside the department store."
It was reported that “the man was hustling to protect Justin from a surging crowd and then disobeyed orders from police who didn’t know he was part of the Bieber team.” Huh? So was he an undercover cop or part of Justin’s team? So many unanswered questions.

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