Friday, June 24, 2011

Justin Bieber @ Monte Carlo Premiere

Justin Bieber has been described using several variations of the "most-sought-after boyfriend in America" label. Translation: Lots of girls want to date him. Lots and lots and lots of girls. But only one can prevail and, as we all know, that lucky girl is none other than one of our favorite sweethearts, Selena Gomez. Unwarranted jealousy aside, Justin and Selena are a pretty cute couple. And by all accounts, Justin seems to be living up to that "most-sought-after" hype. 

Last night, Justin attended a screening of Sel's new flick "Monte Carlo" in New York, and he was pretty much beaming with pride. He posed with a poster from the movie, miming what appears to be the act of holding Selena up on an invisible pedestal (which equals props in the boyfriend department, right?).

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