Thursday, June 16, 2011

Demi Lovato To Release Spanish Single

Demi Lovato is a Dallas native and is proud of her heritage. Now she will be releasing her first single off her unnamed third album in Spanish as well! This is the first time that Demi will release one of her own singles in full Spanish.
Edgar Cortazar who has translated Selena Gomez’s Who Says in Spanish, tweeted the news regarding Demi. He did not give the name of her single, but did say production would start very shortly. No word on when her Spanish or English versions will be released, but most likely they will come out very shortly.
Here is Edgar’s actual quote word per word.
At last, finishing the spanish lyric of @ddlovato ‘s next single!!!! Pre-production and recording starts on monday!!!
I think this will be a lot of fun for Demi, but I am wondering why she chose this now? Unless her first single has a message that she wants to spread as far as she can? I do hope that Demi won’t forget her traditional fans either. I am starting to worry that she might be losing touch with her original music fan base. I guess we will have to wait for the actual album to come out before we can judge the actual sales. I just hope that she does keep her rock roots involved through out this new album.

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