Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dakota Fanning at her Graduation Ceremony

Dakota Fanning looked young and fresh in her blue cap and gown this week at her high school's graduation ceremony. The Twilight star, 17, isn't going to give up her education for more movie-making time.

Fanning is very serious about her education and being a regular student. She was even homecoming queen her senior year and was on the cheerleading team.
Fanning's younger sister, Elle, spoke to E! Online this week at the premiere of the eighth grader's movie, Super 8. She told the website that she would be following in her sister's footsteps and going to college.
The actress was seen on the East Coast, looking at colleges like NYU, and was allegedly accepted to the school's Gallatin School of Individual Studies.

Fanning will be seen next in the last installment of The Twilight Saga, called Breaking Dawn, which has been cut into two separate parts. Part one will be premiering in November of 2011, and the second in the same month of 2012.
She will also be seen as Annie James in The Motel Life, which is set to debut in 2012.

Enjoy Pics of Dakota Fanning:

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