Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ashley Greene On Why She Doesn't Have a Signature Style

When Kristen Stewart walks the red carpet, you just know that she'll be wearing her hair slightly teased at the roots. It's her thang. But when it comes to her co-star Ashley Greene, who plays Alice in the hit movie series Twilight, things are a little less obvious as Ash is always switching up her style. We've seen her brunette, blonde, redhead, with extensions, wearing half-up half-down styles, wearing top knots, wearing ponytails, wearing pink lipstick, wearing red lipstick. The possibilities are endless! And the actress tells People magazine it's because she is ever-evolving:
"My style and beauty sense is always evolving and changing because I am. I don’t even know, from a day-to-day basis, what I’m going to wear and what I’m going to like—it really depends what I wake up and feel like. Sometimes I want to be really glamorous, kind of have this ethereal feel and sometimes I want to be really dramatic. One moment I can rock an androgynous look and the next I can have long flowing hair and sultry eyes."
Are you the same as Ashley? Do you let you mood dictate your look? Or are you more like Kristen Stewart, Dita von Teese and Gwen Stefani who all have a tried-and-tested formula?

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