Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Hit B-Day Bash

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are still on—and still trying to avoid getting photographed together!
Just last Saturday, the undercover couple hit Justin tourmate Jessica Jarrell's sweet sixteen party in Glendale, Calif.
The skating soiree took place at Moonlight Rollerway, and while Justin and Selena both posed with the birthday girl, they didn't take pics together:
TWITTER: Follow PartyGirl
The very next day, both Justin and Selena were at the Golden Globes, but they walked the carpet separately.
And while Selena hit up the InStyle/Warner Brothers afterparty following the awards show, Justin skipped the soiree circuit altogether.
Maybe after their yacht PDA pics hit the internet, they're trying to keep their distance in front of photographers?
For any paps hoping to get shots of them together in L.A., it's not happening this week. We hear the Biebs is out of town until next Tuesday.

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