Sunday, January 30, 2011

Demi Lovato's Cheesecake Factory Dinner Outing

Surely happy to be back on the west coast, Demi Lovato brought an end to the weekend with a retail/dinner outing in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday (January 30).

Following a bout of shopping at a local mall, the 18-year-old opted to chow down at The Cheesecake Factory while joined by a male companion during the evening dinner excursion.

The outing comes just after MIss Lovato brought an end to her rehab stay - as she checked into an Illinois treatment center back in November 2010.

Reportedly getting help for "emotional and physical issues," a representative for the Disney star confirmed, "Demi is happy to be back home and near her family again."

 Enjoy the pictures of Demi Lovato at the Cheesecake Factory in LA (January 30).

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