Thursday, January 20, 2011

Justin Bieber Joins Forces with PETA

Adding to his long list of high-profile gigs, Justin Bieber has become a celebrity spokesperson for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
The “Baby” singer says he’s always had a love for animals and is glad for the opportunity to speak up on their behalf.
"A lot of animals are getting abused in different homes ... and I think it's really important we just stay aware about these different situations."
"I have a dog, his name is Sam. He's actually a papillon. We moved to a city where we didn't really know anybody, so I wanted a friend and Sam was kind of like that friend.
"My dad and I used to just go visit the different animals and stuff. It's really important that people adopt. I really encourage going out to an animal shelter or a place where you can get a dog that has been abandoned or doesn't have a home."

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