Friday, January 28, 2011

Justin Bieber Warns Against Texting While Driving

He’s always up for a good cause, and Justin Bieber will make a special appearance on “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” this Sunday.
The “Baby” singer drops by to see the Brown family from Wellman, Texas, and talks about the dangers of text messaging while driving.
On the show, Bieber explains, "So I'm really glad you guys can come. Every night we have a banner that goes up and it says 'don't text and drive' so every night all these kids see it so it definitely means a lot to me as well. We're gonna give $1 from every ticket sold to your cause. I always do this sound-check party and I wanted to invite you guys to come and hang out."
"It's been a big part of my life to influence others not to text and drive. And every night when I perform, I have a video that comes up and it says 'don't text and drive' and it's me driving. It's just really important to me."

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