Monday, January 17, 2011

Justina Bieber and Jonas Sisters Twitter Craze

Justin Bieber and Jonas Brothers fans are going crazy over two new Twitter trends.
Justin Bieber and Jonas Brothers fans are outraged as somebody who dislikes the young pop star and boy band have started a funny Twitter trend. If you head on over, you will see that Justina Bieber and Jonas Sisters are trending right now. I honestly have no idea who started it but to get it to take off like it has is simply amazing.
We all know that Twitter is the birthplace of celebrity death hoaxes (Snooki, Charlie Sheen, Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler died online) so when it is something that is funny that trends we should be grateful .Granted I know it’s downright disrespectful to both Justin Bieber and Jonas Brothers but at least people are trending that they died in a damn ski accident.
Anyways, the whole Justina Bieber and Jonas Sisters craze will die out soon but for right now you have to laugh at it a little bit. To all the fans that are getting angry; calm down it will be over soon.

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